BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:ASP.NET BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150301T000000 DTEND:20150426T000000 DESCRIPTION: There is much more to voodoo than what you've seen in the movies and read about in books. Explore the fascinating world beyond the stories with the exhibit Vodou: Sacred Powers of Haiti. It is a story of "Vodou" and how it relates to the triumph of Haitians over slavery and to the country's spirit of resistance. At the exhibit, you can stand among a legion of "Lwa," spirits who personify the courage of warriors, love, and sensuality, experience the sights and sounds of a ritual possession ceremony, and take a look at the workroom of a Vodou secret society. SUMMARY:Vodou: Sacred Powers of Haiti ORGANIZER; Location: 1400 S Lake Shore Dr DTSTAMP:20151020T113154 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR